Bee Network


A message from the Ontario Animal Health Network Bees Working Group

As we head into the end of the beekeeping season it is important to remember that colony health and winter survival depend on proper colony management. In particular, varroa mites are the primary cause of colony mortality in Ontario.

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Varroa Monitoring 2023

The goal of the Varroa Mite Awareness Campaign 2023 is to increase knowledge of Varroa mite testing and treatment in Ontario.

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Research and Projects

17 Jan , 2024

OAHN Bee Network Project: Tracking natural varroa mite population growth in honey bee colonies

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22 Feb , 2023

OAHN Bee Network Research Project: Publishing the results of “OAHN Bee network research project 2018 – 2019: Surveillance on resistant Varroa destructor mite population to synthetic acaricides in Ontario” in a peer reviewed journal.

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OAHN Bee Network Research Project: Communication and Design Assistance for the Ontario Varroa Monitoring Campaign

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21 Dec , 2022

OAHN Bee Network: Investigation of the role of varroa mites in Ontario honey bee health using next generation sequencing (NGS) technology

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18 Feb , 2022

OAHN Bee Network Project: Refining the standard bioassay method for detecting resistance in populations of Varroa mites by acute toxicity

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08 Feb , 2022

OAHN Bee Network Project: Mapping the population density of managed honey bee colonies in Ontario

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13 Sep , 2021

OAHN Bee Network Research Project: Mid-Season Treatments for Varroa Mites, Residue Testing in Honey

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09 Jul , 2019

OAHN Bee Network Research Project: Surveillance on resistant Varroa destructor mite population to three synthetic acaricides in Ontario

Final report, presentation links, and infographic related to the OAHN Bee Network’s project on Varroa mite resistance.

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23 May , 2018

OAHN Bee Research Project: Culture, antimicrobial susceptibility and molecular typing of Paenibacillus larvae, a causative agent of American foulbrood (AFB)

Executive summary, full report, and poster for the OAHN Bee research project.

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Varroa Mite Monitoring

21 Dec , 2022

OAHN Bee Network: Investigation of the role of varroa mites in Ontario honey bee health using next generation sequencing (NGS) technology

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07 Aug , 2020

Varroa Mite Awareness and Resources

Videos and resources on Varroa mites in Ontario, as well as the results from the previous Varroa mite awareness campaigns.

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22 Aug , 2019

Varroa Monitoring 2024

Everything you need to know about monitoring for Varroa mites, including the link to enter your Varroa counts!

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21 Sep , 2018

Varroa Mite Awareness: Beekeeper Interviews (Jim Coneybeare, Tom Congdon)

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Apiculture Resources for Veterinarians

14 Mar , 2019

Private: Veterinary Course notes from OBA Workshop on Antimicrobial Management for Beekeeping in Ontario

2019 OBA VET WORKSHOP Antimicrobial Legislation Responsibilities for Vets and Beekeepers 2019 OBA Vet Workshop AMR Risks, Honey Bees and Beekeeping Thanks to the OBA for sharing these resources for veterinary reference.

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11 Feb , 2019

Apiculture Resources for Veterinarians

Find beekeeping resources relating to AMR for veterinarians here.

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24 Aug , 2017

OMAFRA’s 2017 Ontario Apiculture Winter Loss Survey

Learn about the number of bee colonies in Ontario, the methodology behind measuring these colonies, management practices, and more.

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02 Aug , 2017

Antimicrobial Use and Resistance — Change is Coming

Pending Federal Changes to Address Antimicrobial Resistance

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15 Feb , 2017

Bee Podcasts

To listen to OAHN Bee Podcasts – click here.

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Annual Reports

09 Mar , 2020

Annual OAHN Public Health Updates

Created especially for public health professionals in Ontario, highlighting pertinent topics the OAHN companion animal network’s reports.

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10 Feb , 2020

Ontario Animal Health Network Annual Update

The annual OAHN Update reviews the past year at a glance, Information sharing initiatives, Disease investigations, and our OAHN network members from all of the OAHN networks. Take a few moments to read through and review how the OAHN disease surveillance networks worked to improve animal health in Ontario. OAHN Annual Update 2018-2019 OAHN L’année …

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24 Apr , 2018

Staying Ahead of the Curve Magazine: The Disease Surveillance Plan 2013-2018

Detailing what the DSP and OAHN completed from 2013-2018, including summaries by network, research projects, equipment purchased, tests developed, and much more.

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Resources for Beekeepers

29 May , 2020

Asian Giant/Murder Hornets (Vespa mandarinia) Information and Resources

View the below resources for information on sightings and control of Asian Giant Hornets (ASG), otherwise known as “Murder Hornets”. Ontario Bee Journal – New Honey Bee Pests in North America: Asian Hornets Reported and Confirmed in British Columbia USDA New Pest Response Guidelines – Vespa Mandarinia – Asian Giant Hornet Asian Giant Hornet FAQs …

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11 Feb , 2019

General Beekeeping Resources

Extensive list of online resources and courses for new and advanced beekeepers.

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02 Aug , 2017

Antimicrobial Use and Resistance — Change is Coming

Pending Federal Changes to Address Antimicrobial Resistance

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Varroa Mite Monitoring

21 Dec , 2022

OAHN Bee Network: Investigation of the role of varroa mites in Ontario honey bee health using next generation sequencing (NGS) technology

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07 Aug , 2020

Varroa Mite Awareness and Resources

Videos and resources on Varroa mites in Ontario, as well as the results from the previous Varroa mite awareness campaigns.

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22 Aug , 2019

Varroa Monitoring 2024

Everything you need to know about monitoring for Varroa mites, including the link to enter your Varroa counts!

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21 Sep , 2018

Varroa Mite Awareness: Beekeeper Interviews (Jim Coneybeare, Tom Congdon)

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15 Feb , 2017

Bee Podcasts

To listen to OAHN Bee Podcasts – click here.

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Annual Reports

09 Mar , 2020

Annual OAHN Public Health Updates

Created especially for public health professionals in Ontario, highlighting pertinent topics the OAHN companion animal network’s reports.

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10 Feb , 2020

Ontario Animal Health Network Annual Update

The annual OAHN Update reviews the past year at a glance, Information sharing initiatives, Disease investigations, and our OAHN network members from all of the OAHN networks. Take a few moments to read through and review how the OAHN disease surveillance networks worked to improve animal health in Ontario. OAHN Annual Update 2018-2019 OAHN L’année …

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24 Apr , 2018

Staying Ahead of the Curve Magazine: The Disease Surveillance Plan 2013-2018

Detailing what the DSP and OAHN completed from 2013-2018, including summaries by network, research projects, equipment purchased, tests developed, and much more.

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17 Aug , 2016

Bee Producer Report – Q2 2016

Update on small hive beetle, American foulbrood, honey bee testing at the AHL, new apiary import requirements for Eastern Canada, and much more.

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Team Members

Paul Kozak

Co-lead - Provincial Apiarist


Jim Coneybeare

Industry Co-lead

Ontario Beekeepers’ Association

Kelsey Ducsharm

Industry Co-lead

Technology Transfer Program, Ontario Beekeepers’ Association

Dr. Olaf Burke

Population Medicine

University of Guelph

Dr. Hugh Cai

Animal Health Laboratory

University of Guelph

Les Eccles


Dr. Ernesto Guzman

Director of the Honeybee Research Centre

University of Guelph

Paul Kelly

Honeybee Research Centre

University of Guelph

Dr. Colette Mesher

Technology Transfer Program – Lead Specialist

Ontario Beekeepers’ Association Technology

Dr. Nuria Morfin

Honeybee Research Centre

University of Guelph

Mylee Nordin

Niagara College

Commercial Beekeeping Program

Andrew Pitek


Dr. Nigel Raine

Rebanks Family Chair in Pollinator Conservation

University of Guelph

Dr. Amro Zayad

York University

Dr. Tim Pasma



Dr. Tanya Rossi

OAHN Coordinator

Animal Health Laboratory