OAHN Bee Network Research Project: Publishing the results of “OAHN Bee network research project 2018 – 2019: Surveillance on resistant Varroa destructor mite population to synthetic acaricides in Ontario” in a peer reviewed journal.

Project Lead:Dr. Nuria Morfin-Ramirez
Collaborators: Paul Kozak, Dr. Ernesto Guzman-Novoa
This open access article can be found here:
The goal of this project was to publish the results of the 2018-2019 OAHN project titled “OAHN Bee network research project 2018-2019: Surveillance on resistant Varroa destructor mite population to synthetic acaricides in Ontario” in a peer reviewed journal. The article has been accepted for publication to the journal ‘Canadian Entomologist’. This publication has been communicated through the University of Guelph, OAHN and Ontario Beekeepers’ Association newsletters, websites, listservs and social media as well as other apiculture working groups in North America (including RAIZO).