Small Ruminant Network


OAHN Small Ruminant Network Project: Investigation of Gastrointestinal Nematode Parasitism on Ontario Goat Farms

This project sought to identify GIN species present on Ontario goat farms and evaluate management factors associated with parasitism in Ontario goats.

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OAHN Project: Identification of Culicoides species found in selected areas of Ontario from June – September 2022

The objective of this project was to describe spatial and temporal patterns of Culicoides spp in select areas of Ontario that have not been previously sampled.

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Disease Surveillance Reports

Veterinary Reports

18 Feb , 2016

Private: OAHN Small Ruminant Clinical Impressions – Q4 2014

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18 Jun , 2015

Private: Small Ruminant Vet Report – Q4 2014

Click here to download the Q4 2014 Small Ruminant Vet Report

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Private: Small Ruminant Vet Report – Q3 2014

Click here to download the Q3 2014 Small Ruminant Vet Report

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Private: Small Ruminant Vet Report – Q2 2014

Click here to download the Q2 2014 Small Ruminant Vet Report

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Necropsy in Veterinary Medicine Videos

26 Aug , 2015

Private: The Necropsy in Veterinary Medicine – Part 4

Learn about placement, incisions, postmortem tips, removing the brain, rabies and toxic plants.

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12 Aug , 2015

Private: The Necropsy in Veterinary Medicine – Part 3

Learn about identification, examination, protection and maintaining you tools for a postmortem.

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29 Jul , 2015

Private: The Necropsy in Veterinary Medicine – Part 2

Learn about the principles of a postmortem, euthanasia, understanding postmortem changes, and more.

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06 Jul , 2015

Private: The Necropsy in Veterinary Medicine – Part 1

To go along with our five part podcast on Veterinary Postmortems, we have seven write-ups from Dr. Nick Nation of the University of Alberta. This is part one.

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Annual Reports

09 Mar , 2020

Annual OAHN Public Health Updates

Created especially for public health professionals in Ontario, highlighting pertinent topics the OAHN companion animal network’s reports.

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10 Feb , 2020

Ontario Animal Health Network Annual Update

The annual OAHN Update reviews the past year at a glance, Information sharing initiatives, Disease investigations, and our OAHN network members from all of the OAHN networks. Take a few moments to read through and review how the OAHN disease surveillance networks worked to improve animal health in Ontario. OAHN Annual Update 2018-2019 OAHN L’année …

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Producer Reports

Annual Reports

09 Mar , 2020

Annual OAHN Public Health Updates

Created especially for public health professionals in Ontario, highlighting pertinent topics the OAHN companion animal network’s reports.

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10 Feb , 2020

Ontario Animal Health Network Annual Update

The annual OAHN Update reviews the past year at a glance, Information sharing initiatives, Disease investigations, and our OAHN network members from all of the OAHN networks. Take a few moments to read through and review how the OAHN disease surveillance networks worked to improve animal health in Ontario. OAHN Annual Update 2018-2019 OAHN L’année …

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23 Apr , 2019

Small Ruminant Producer Report – Q3 and Q4 2018

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18 Oct , 2018

Small Ruminant Producer Report – Q2 2018

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Annual Report

09 Mar , 2020

Annual OAHN Public Health Updates

Created especially for public health professionals in Ontario, highlighting pertinent topics the OAHN companion animal network’s reports.

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24 Apr , 2018

Staying Ahead of the Curve Magazine: The Disease Surveillance Plan 2013-2018

Detailing what the DSP and OAHN completed from 2013-2018, including summaries by network, research projects, equipment purchased, tests developed, and much more.

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19 Apr , 2017

Small Ruminant Producer Report – Q4 2016

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04 Jan , 2017

Small Ruminant Producer Report – Q3 2016

Q3 surveillance summary, transport decision making, and an update on Cache Valley virus.

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25 Aug , 2016

Small Ruminant Producer Report – Q2 2016

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14 Jun , 2016

Small Ruminant Producer Report – Q1 2016

Learn about listeriosis, the small ruminant adult mortality project and PIDs, and foot disease in sheep.

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28 Jan , 2021

Managing the Risk of Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF) from Sheep to Bison

To download a PDF copy of this document, please click here. Managing the risk of malignant catarrhal fever from sheep to bison – FINAL by Ontario Animal Health Network

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06 Aug , 2020

Private: Small Ruminant Fecal Egg Counts: Tips and Tricks Infosheet

Tips and tricks for using the McMaster method for fecal egg counts

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06 Jul , 2020

Maedi Visna – What does it mean to your flock?

Click here to download the PDF

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Research and Projects

15 Jan , 2024

OAHN Network Project: Identification of Culicoides species found in selected areas of Ontario from June – September 2022

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02 Mar , 2023

OAHN Small Ruminant Network Project: Investigation of mucosal immunity to gastrointestinal nematodes in Ontario goats (in progress)

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24 Feb , 2023

OAHN Small Ruminant Network Project: Investigation of Gastrointestinal Nematode Parasitism on Ontario Goat Farms

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OAHN Small Ruminant Network Project: Investigation of Pooling Serum Samples for Maedi Visna Testing

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23 Feb , 2023

OAHN Small Ruminant Network Project: Investigating Milk Quality and Udder Health in the Ontario Dairy Goat Industry (in progress)

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19 Nov , 2021

OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project: Comparison of performance of maedi-visna ELISA and PCR tests

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13 Sep , 2021

OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project: Investigation of Ovine herpesvirus-2 as the cause of an idiopathic fatal vasculitis syndrome in Ontario sheep

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31 Mar , 2021

OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project: Development and validation of a PCR test for small ruminant lentiviruses (CAEV and MVV)

Objectives, summary, and results from the Small Ruminant Network’s research project on developing and validating a PCR test for small ruminant lentiviruses (CAEV and MVV).

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05 Nov , 2019

OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project: Development and validation of a new diagnostic test for Toxoplasma identification in small ruminant abortions

Executive summary and full report for this OAHN-funded research project.

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23 May , 2018

OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project 2: Seroprevalence & risk factors of Toxoplasma gondii exposure in small ruminants in Ontario, Canada

Executive summary, full report, and poster for the OAHN Small Ruminant research project.

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OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project 1: Distance support for on-farm investigation of adult small ruminant mortalities

Executive summary, full report, and poster for the OAHN Small Ruminant research project.

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06 Apr , 2018

Grad Student Feature: Jeanette Cooper and the Small Ruminant Adult Mortality Project

OVC Master’s student Jeannette Cooper discusses the “Distance support for investigation into adult small ruminant mortalities” project

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Small Ruminant Abortion Information and Resources

19 Aug , 2020

Campylobacter Abortions – Emerging Resistance to Antibiotics Infosheet

Chlamydia abortus, Coxiella burnetii, Campylobacter spp. and Toxoplasma gondii are the most common causes of infectious abortion in sheep and goats in Ontario.

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13 May , 2020

Infosheets: Toxoplasmosis in Sheep and Goats

Informative infosheets on toxoplasmosis in goats and sheep.

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Guide to Safe Handling of Sheep and Goat Placentas

An infosheet guide on safe handling and removal of sheep and goat placentas.

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28 Apr , 2016

Private: Cache Valley Abortion Presentation to Small Ruminant Veterinarians of Ontario

PDF of Dr. Paula Menzies’s “Cache Valley Abortion Survey of Ontario Flocks” presentation.

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11 Feb , 2016

Private: Cache Valley Virus: A Differential Diagnosis for Lamb Malformation and Pregnancy Loss in Sheep

Below, please click the link to view or download the OAHN communication for veterinarians regarding Cache Valley Virus: Cache Valley Virus: A Differential Diagnosis for Lamb Malformation and Pregnancy Loss in Sheep  

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Cache Valley Virus – A Cause of Birth Defects in Ontario Lambs

An in-depth look at Cache Valley Virus in Ontario.

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11 Jan , 2016

Private: Cache Valley Virus

Cache Valley virus (CVV) is an arbovirus in the family Bunyaviridae.

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Rabies Resources

16 Feb , 2023

Guide d’évaluation des risques liés à la rage (Rabies Risk Assessment Flowchart – French)

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24 May , 2022

Rabies Risk Assessment Flowchart

View and download this veterinary handout.

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27 May , 2019

Private: Rabies Resource Page for Veterinarians

Find videos on how to obtain rabies samples from small and large mammals, as well as the rabies risk assessment flow chart.

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15 Dec , 2015

OAVT Rabies Tips for Large Animal Hospitals

A guide on how large animal hospitals can deal with rabies.

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Government Resources

16 Sep , 2022

2022 OAHN Public Health Update

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10 Aug , 2016

Provincial Premises Registry

Premises Identification Numbers: how to register, and what you should know. It’s fast, easy, and every agri-business in Ontario can have one.

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21 Oct , 2015

Small Ruminant Government and Industry Resources

Government and industry links for small ruminant stakeholders

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09 Oct , 2015

Important Contact Information: Small Ruminants

A list of industry and government contacts.

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24 Jun , 2015

Continuing Education Links and Resources for Small Ruminant Vets

This list of links provides a great starting point for small ruminant vets and owners.

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Podcasts and Videos

05 Jun , 2020

Video: The Value of a Postmortem for Your Goat Herd

Postmortem examination of dead and skinny goats – A valuable herd management tool    

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02 Mar , 2020

Video: The Value of a Postmortem for Your Sheep Flock

A great video for sheep farmers and veterinarians explaining the importance of post-mortem examination to help obtain a diagnosis.

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15 Feb , 2017

Small Ruminant Podcasts

Link to all OAHN small ruminant podcasts.

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Team Members

Dr. Hannah Golightly



Dr. Rex Crawford


Private Practitioner

Dr. Cathy Bauman

Ontario Veterinary College

Dr. Amy Gaw

Private Practitioner

Dr. John Hancock

Private Practitioner

Dr. Jeff Rau

Ontario Veterinary College

Dr. Amanda Mansz


Animal Health Laboratory

Dr. Tim Pasma

Animal Health Laboratory

Dr. Tanya Rossi

OAHN Coordinator

Animal Health Laboratory